Saturday, August 8, 2009

By the numbers

Miles travelled: 3853.6
People who told us we were crazy: 3852 (Sarah's mother was the one person who supported us from the start. Thanks, Suzie).
People who entered the bet against us in Peru, Indiana: 10
Money we won from proving them all wrong: $100
Days on the road: 60
Rest days: 10
Average miles per riding day: 77.1
Most miles in one day: 112
Tires used: 10 (Lisa's still on the originals and had no flats, but she can't steer)
Jars of peanut butter consumed: 21
Icees drank: 75
States Crossed: 13
Mental breakdowns (main criteria = tears): 6
Steroid shots: 2
Mg of Advil: countless
Beers: Not enough
New friends: thousands
New friend firemen: 20
ISO-1s: 1
Number of mountain ranges in Oregon: too many
Average temperature in Oregon: 108 degrees
Last time it was 108 degrees in Oregon: 1930
People we've met who are more hardcore than we: 3
Bull elk sightings: 4
American Idol Auditions: 1
Youth inspired: 85
Radio apearances: 1
Shrunken Breasts: 6
Current money raised for Children's HeartLink: $1450


  1. You guys are the best. :) I'm so glad you finished and have such great numbers! Jen

  2. Great Job Workers! Freda, you crack me up. "By the numbers" really got me giggling. Drop in again (Idaho) when you do your encore ride.

  3. What an experience! I'm happy to share in your adventures, kudos to your dedication and teamwork!

  4. I thought of you three when I rode from Medford down the CA coast yesterday. I'm glad you finished strong and safe! Look me up on Facebook, Melissa should have my email from the donations page.
    -Fireman Mike
