Sunday, June 21, 2009

Things We Ate

My mother told us not to write so much about food. So ... here's all the things we've eaten since we last blogged (3 days):
9 cups coffee (Lisa doesn't drink any, but I refuse to ride more than 30 miles in the morning without at least one cup)
3 Nutrigrain bars (We bought these in New York. They're suffering at this point)
6 hard boiled eggs fresh from Mel's mom's chickens
3 baked honey ham and swiss cheese sandwiches, each made according to individual taste (Lisa doesn't like a lot of cheese on her sandwiches)
1 bag ranch flavored pretzel pieces (Turns out they work well as croutons as well)
1 large bag gummy worms (Lisa needs large amounts of gummy candies to get up mountains)
9 peanut butter sandwiches
1 large spinach salad with lunch meat, a carton of baby tomatoes, a bag of baby carrots, and three different packets of dressing
1 tube of chocolate chip cookie dough
1 snickers bar
1 cottage cheese doubles (pineapple flavored)
6 beers
2 bowls oatmeal with brown sugar and raisins (on Mel's)
6 pieces of French Toast ($3)
1 packet black peppered beaf jerky
1 giant slushee (Cherry Fanta and Gogo Grape mixed)
3 mixed cold cut sandwiches with Kroger Brand Sliced Cheese
4 apples
6 bananas
4 Arby's roast beef cheddar sandwiches
3 small french fries
2 cans beef stew (Lisa was not happy. She has vetoed this meal, especially for breakfast.)
1 omelette with two pieces whole wheat toast
2 biscuits with dried beef gravy (not as good as grandma's, but still passable)
1 pecan pancake with whipped cream (Mel loves whipped cream)
1 delicious homeade cinammon roll (the greatest ever made. Becky's restaurant in Wilshire, OH. GO!)
5 slices Kroger Brand Sliced Cheese
1 large bag Haribo gummy bears
2 Nature's Valley Oats and Honey Granola Bar
1 Nature's Valley Chewy Fruit and Nut granola bar split evenly in three while riding
5 hamburgers
2 cups veggies on the grill
2 cups corn salsa with green olives
2 cups fresh corn (Lisa's family's from Iowa, so they know corn)
1 half watermelon
3 yummy pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosty
More good food will be consumed in the next two days at Lisa's brother's house in Peru, Indiana